Motorcycle Accident Injury
Attorney Help For Motorcycle Accident Injuries In Orange County California
Motorcycle Accident Injury – A motorcycle accident injury can range from the minor to the life-threatening and fatal. Some of the most common and most severe motorcycle accident injury types are those to the head and neck, and can leave the victim paralyzed or in a permanent vegetative state. As a result, victims and their families may face exorbitant medical bills, loss of wages and emotional distress. If you or a loved family member or friend has been involved in a motorcycle accident in California, whether minor or severe, you may have legal recourse against the party responsible for causing the motorcycle accident. In the event you believe another party caused the motorcycle accident injury of you or a loved family member or friend, you should consider retaining proven legal representation to make sure you secure your right to recovery to the maximum extent possible.
Alexander Napolin is an experienced motorcycle accident injury lawyer who will be an aggressive and confidently represent your interests. He is also a caring and dynamic counselor who understands the impact that a motorcycle accident injury its victim and all involved. If you need legal advice and intelligent answers to tough questions about a motorcycle accident injury claim, you can call Mr. Napolin at 1 (714) 265-7526 and he will personally come to the phone with you for a free and confidential legal consultation.

Motorcycle Accident Injury
Motorcycle Accident Injury Types
- Road Rash: Even when wearing sturdy protective clothing like leather or denim, in a motorcycle accident, riders can suffer painful skin abrasions or bruises in a motorcycle accident. These types of injuries are typically minor, but can become quite serious if left untreated and allowed to become infected.
- Bone Fractures: Impact with another vehicle and/or being thrown from a motorcycle can easily result in a broken arm, leg, or other part of the body. Often, a broken limb requires a cumbersome cast to be worn to keep the injured area immobile, and this can affect an individual’s day-to-day activities, making it potentially difficult to perform everyday household chores, carry out job duties, or participate in recreational activities.
- Traumatic Brain Injury: The purpose of a helmet is to protect the head and brain in a motorcycle accident. Though it may reduce the seriousness of some head injuries, a motorcycle helmet will not eliminate the risk of these potentially life-altering injuries. Traumatic brain injury can affect an individual’s personality, speech, cognitive thinking, and motor skills. Motorcycle accident head injuries, though, affect more than just the victim. Many brain injury victims are unable to continue to work, requiring full-time care and frequent medical treatments such as physical therapy. As a result, victims and their families often experience severe strain under the weight of mounting medical bills.
- Spinal Cord Injury: Damage to an individual’s spinal cord often results in permanent injury, typically partial or complete paralysis, and requires many victims to receive full-time care. A majority of these victims are never able to work to support themselves for the rest of their lives. As with traumatic brain injuries, this can mean a lifetime of costly continued care and insurmountable medical bills.
- Disfigurement: Motorcycle accident injuries can also lead to permanent disfigurement. Broken bones, burns, and severe lacerations can all leave disfiguring evidence of the accident that caused them, including scars and loss of limbs. Additionally, disfigurement can be emotionally traumatic and leave the victim in a cycle of depression that is difficult to escape.
Motorcycle Accident
Fatality: A motorcycle rider has to be vigilant on the road, and always be aware of what other motorists are doing. Too many times, a motorcycle accident leads to injuries that prove ultimately to be fatal. A common misconception is that motorcycle accidents are generally the fault of the rider continues to be perpetuated, the truth is that many of these fatal accidents occur due to the negligence of the other driver, and could have been avoided if the driver had exercised responsible caution while on the road. A wrongful death of a loved one can devastate the family and friends who are left behind.
Motorcycle accidents are a regular occurrence; so regular, in fact, that many people believe they don’t need a lawyer to help handle them. But in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Hiring a good motorcycle crash attorney can save you money in the long run and make sure that justice is done swiftly and conveniently. More importantly, assistance from an motorcycle collision attorney can help anyone who is injured in the accident get the medical help they need. In fact, you can benefit from a motorcycle accident lawyer both when you’re not at fault and when you are.
Santa Ana, Orange, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Anaheim and Orange County Ca. Motorcycle Injury Legal Help
Ways An Attorney Can Help If You’re At Fault

Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Yes, accidents happen, and sometimes you’re the one to blame. But that doesn’t mean you should have to pay more than you have to. In addition to motorcycle damage costs (both yours and theirs), you may also find yourself being sued for personal injury. Many times car insurance policies do not cover everything, and even when they do your rates can skyrocket in the aftermath. A motorcycle accident injury attorney and/or a an motorcycle accident lawyer in general knows both state and national laws inside and out, and they also know how to handle both car and health insurance companies. In other words, they can make sure that you end up paying what you owe, and ONLY what you owe. Furthermore, good legal assistance can help ensure that you receive minimal points on your driver’s license and/or do not suffer any major, long-term repercussions.
How An Attorney Can Help When You’re Not At Fault
You have just as much reason to hire a car collision lawyer when you’re not at fault as when you are. Never “just let the insurance companies handle it”. In many states, you can receive points on your license and see your car insurance rates go up even when you were not to blame for the accident. Fortunately, hiring a motorcycle crash attorney can help you recover quickly from the accident both physically and financially, as well as help keep the law on your side. And if you or a family member was injured or even killed in the crash, an attorney with expertise in this area can also help you get appropriate monetary compensation to help pay for the after effect costs and help ease the ongoing mental trauma. If your motorcycle was seriously damaged, a motorcycle accident lawyer can also help you get the money you need to fix or replace it and have you back out on the road before you know it.
When to Hire a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer help
Regardless of whether or not you’re at fault (and certainly if the question of fault is in dispute), it’s best to hire an motorcycle accident lawyer within a week (two weeks tops) of the accident itself. If anyone was injured or one or more motorcycles were totaled, seek legal help immediately. Certainly, you should never come to a settlement with an insurance company before at least consulting with an attorney. Many motorcycle accident attorneys will only collect a fee if they help you win your case or reach an agreeable settlement, so it is important to ask about that. Remember; your life doesn’t have to come to a halt just because you were in motorcycle collision. A good attorney can help you get back on your feet and back to normal in no time.
Consult With A Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer For Legal Help
If you or a loved family member or friend has been involved in a motorcycle accident and has sustained injury, minor or severe, you should consult with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who can help you obtain the compensation that you deserve. Mr. Napolin is the experienced and trusted lawyer you can consult with right now for free by calling 1 (714) 265-7526. Or, if you prefer, you can fill out a confidential case evaluation form at, and Mr. Napolin will call to speak within 12 hours. There is no obligation to hire Mr. Napolin just because you speak with him. He is happy to speak with you for free to help you through any difficult situation relating to a Motorcycle Accident Injury!